November 13, 2023
min read

RBI, VDI, WAF or VPN: Comparison of secure remote access solutions

RBI, VDI, WAF or VPN: Comparison of secure remote access solutions

Enabling secure access to your sensitive business applications, especially in mobility, is a growing concern for businesses. With today's technology landscape, choosing the right solution can seem like a daunting task between VPN, VDI, RBI, dedicated PCs, and others. Comparison.

VDI, RBI, WAF, and VPN: the differences

Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network), while effective, can be costly both in terms of acquisition and deployment. This is without offering complete protection against the risks associated with the remote user's workstation. On the other hand, the VDI (Virtual Desktop Isolation), while it reduces concerns about remote desktop security, requires significant server power. This need comes from the provision of a complete work environment to allow the user to have an Internet browser in his session. As a result, VDI has a considerable attack surface. The WAF (Web Application Firewall), on the other hand, based on the detection of signatures and behaviors, cannot but intercept certain zero-day attacks or unknown threats, unlike the RBI (Remote Browser Isolation) that isolates potentially malicious content.

Tableau de Comparaison
Technologie VPN VDI PC dédié WAF RBI
Niveau de sécurité ++
protège des risques d’interception externe
++ +++ + ++++
Surface d'attaque Importante.
Le réseau SI est ouvert vers l’extérieur. Exploitation malveillantes des API
Exploitation possible d’une vulnérabilité logicielle présente sur la VM + API Attaque local sur le poste + rebond au travers du VPN
Exploitation malveillantes des API
APIs directement exposées mais sous contrôle du WAF. Si le WAF n’a pas connaissance d’une vulnérabilité alors il ne peut en protéger l’API Restreinte au serveur. Pas d’interaction directe avec les API du serveur, seul le frontend de l’application peut interagir avec lui
Fonctionnalités ++
accès à l’ensemble du réseau (imprimante, fichier, application lourde etc…)
++ +++ +
100% sur toutes les applications WEB
100% sur toutes les applications WEB
Coût acquisition €€ €€€ €€€€
Complexité de maintenance Moyen Importante Élevé Importante
(nécessite d’ajuster les règles lors d’évolution de l’application à protéger)
Complexité de déploiement Importante Importante Élevé Importante Minime
Contrôle de la conformité du poste Oui
sans quoi le poste pourrait devenir un vecteur d’attaque
Nécessite une application dédiée (client VDI)
Non Non Non
Pas d’application à installer
Expérience utilisateur +
Impact potentiel sur le fonctionnement du PC (applications KO quand le VPN est actif). N’est pas autorisé dans tous les pays
++ ++
Peut être compliqué si l’utilisateur dispose de 2 postes
Accès direct au serveur web depuis n’importe quel navigateur
Transparente, nécessite uniquement un navigateur HTML5

RBI, the future of cybersecurity

With the RBI, access to your applications is via an isolated virtual browser, setting up a protocol break between the remote station and the resource accessed, thus considerably increasing the level of security. This process also reduces the need to authorize numerous incoming flows, thus simplifying network authorization management:

  • Granular control : Businesses have complete control over user interactions, such as copy/paste, downloads, screen prints, and access to external devices.
  • API protection : Potential attacks related to the exposure of your APIs are no longer possible, as calls can only be made via the isolated browser.
One of the main advantages of RBI is that it almost entirely eliminates the need to worry about the security level of the remote user's workstation.

While each solution has its own benefits, RBI combines the best of all worlds: solid security, a smooth user experience, a minimal attack surface, and unprecedented ease of deployment. For businesses that care about cybersecurity, it's time to seriously consider the potential of RBI to meet the needs of today and tomorrow.

Contact us to learn more about our technology and to get a demonstration.

Julien Rozeaux
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